viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010


The Brain

   The brain is the control centre of the body – and it controls every single thing that we do, including our emotions, sensation, movement, and thinking.

   The brain grows at a rate of 250,000 cells per second in a foetus, and is fully grown by the time a person is 15 years old. By this stage, the brain weighs about 1.5 kilograms, and is the texture of half set jelly.

Hemisphere Brain Function 

   The brain is divided into two halves called hemispheres. Usually, the left half of the brain controls the right side of the body. The right half of the brain controls the left side of the body.

Lobes of the Brain 

Each hemisphere of the brain is further divided into 4 lobes: frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital.

Below you can see which lobe is responsible for which function:

Ø  Frontal lobe: Conscious thought; damage can result in mood changes.
Ø  Parietal lobe: Plays important roles in integrating sensory information from various senses, and in the manipulation of objects; portions of the parietal lobe are involved with visuospatial processing.
Ø  Occipital lobe: Sense of sight; lesions can produce hallucinations.
Ø  Temporal lobe: Senses of smell and sound, as well as processing of complex stimuli like faces and scenes.

2 comentarios:

  1. Well first of all, congratulations for the great job you've done Delia great:).
    I want you to know that I made this topic very interesting as well, is what function each part of my brain and how to call each of them . :)

  2. i love this `page thank you for doit im going to have a 10 in the exam
